Saturday, July 20, 2024

Eye of Worth 7

 Eye of Worth 7

    "I see you escaped your companion." He said

    I smiled slightly, "I see you have been watching. I hope you don't expect me shower you with adulation like her."

    He bowed deeply, "Of course not. It was evident the moment you walked in the door that you did not plan to shower your attention on anybody."

    "Is that why you approached me?"

    he smiled, "You are like a breath of fresh air in this stuffy room."

    "Sounds like you're the one seeking a object for your attention," I said and walked past him.

    "How cruel," he chuckled as he followed me to the bar.

    I perched on a stool and set my purse on the counter so the symbol was face up. I looked at a displayed list of drinks next to my purse but gave up halfway through.

    "Gin and tonic," I said to the bartender.

    He nodded his head and turned slightly to face the raven man next to me.


    The bartender nodded then turned to grab glasses behind him.

    "So what do I call you?" The raven asked.

    "You can call me Iris."

    Our drinks were set down in front of us, but the man waited to speak until the bartender moved off, "I was not expected just a pretty name."

    I laughed, making it light and airy, "That's what everyone says before they learn the rest."

    "The rest?"

    I smiled slightly and turned my drink, "I think I will call you Raven."

    He chuckled softly, "I get it. No more talk of names."

    "Smart. What are you doing in this group?"

    "In the Eye of Worth?" he took a swig of his bourbon, "I thought it would be interesting but so far I only see pretentious people who care for nothing but themselves."

    I looked around the room. Alice had moved somewhere I couldn't see but very few people moved from the group they were talking with. I turned back to Raven, "You don't seem too listless, for someone finding this group lacking in excitement."

    He gave a flat smile, "Aslam is charismatic. That's a good quality for a leader to have, especially for this bunch, but there's something about him that bugs me. I want to know what it is."

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