Thursday, June 3, 2021

Smoke in the Air 1

This is one of my favorite pieces that I've written recently. I don't usually write mysteries because I end up creating something unsolvable. This wasn't supposed to be a mystery at all, I just wanted to writing something with this female character that has been in my head for a while. But I knew writing from her POV would be really boring and thus the detective came to be. I really like how it ended up and the dynamic between the two is really interesting. I would love to do a series with them but I'm not sure my mystery skills are up to par yet...

                 -Rose B. 

Smoke in the Air


    I look at the number above the compartment doors wishing they would match the one on my ticket so I could sit down. The train jolts as it hits an uneven track, and I bump into a high society lady. She turns her nose up at me and frowns.

    "My apologies, madam," I say, bowing my head.

    "Be glad these are my traveling clothes, otherwise you'd be paying for it to be cleaned," she scoffs before continuing past me. Her lady's maid gives me a quick curtsy before scurrying after her.

    I sigh and look down at the nine of my ticket I thought the upper crust had whole train cars to themselves, so they didn't have to mingle with the working class. I didn't ask questions when Thomas gave me the ticket, but maybe I should have. I continue looking at numbers praying there won't be someone inside I have to mind my manners around.

    I look down at my ticket in confirmation. It shimmers in the light coming through the windows, and frown at the four. I rub my eyes, I swear it said nine before. I look at the ticket again but it still says four. This whole situation must have made me more tired than I realized. Finally, I find it; it's the last one in the car. I tense up as I enter the compartment as there is a woman already there. She looks familiar but I don't know a woman that beautiful. Maybe I saw her on screen, She does look like she came straight out of a moving picture with her black hair, white skin, and a dress colored in gray tones. She seems to be wearing the latest fashion that is all the rage among ladies, but there's something not quite right about it. If Dorthy were here, she would know immediately, but she was going to have to find another employer to buy those fashion magazines. A cigarette holder is perched in the lady's hand, smoke curls around her, and she exhales more. I can't remember the last time I've been to the pictures and I feel like I've seen her more recently than that.

    "Finally, now things can begin."

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