Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Roses are Red 5

Roses are Red
    On Thanksgiving you met Mama and Papa. Mama was overjoyed, she hugged us several times and couldn't stop talking about how good we looked together and we were obviously meant to be. Papa peppered you with random questions throughout dinner, but he calmed down a bit once he discovered you were a law student. It was obvious mam loved you as she would use anything as an excuse to talk more with you. Papa slowly warmed up but seemed content by the time we left. On the sidewalk you said my family was lovely and I wondered if you really thought that. Now I think you were telling the truth as you still see my mother on occasion.
    Some time before December I met your sister, when she suddenly stopped by to visit you. She was just as energetic as I imagined and just like you warned she called you nothing but Lucy. When you ran out to grab lunch I asked her for the story behind your nickname. She smiled and said there wasn't much to tell. She thought you were a huge jerk as a teenager and would secretly call you Lucifer. You made her so mad one day that she almost blurred it out with your parents in the room. She quickly shortened it to Lucy and it caught on. You came back and quietly added that now everytime she calls you it, it gives her a good laugh.
    I met your mother at Christmas. She was sweet woman and it was obvious you loved her. She loved the homemade fudge I brought anad asked me for the recipe. Sometimes I wonder if she makes it, and if it reminds you of me or if you've forgotten I was the one who introduced it to your family.
    New years we spent together. I made food and you brought roses and lilies. I told you it reminded me of the cheesy poem. You laughed and almost sang to me,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Lilies are pure
And I love you
I don't think I was ever happier in my life then in that moment. Life seemed perfect and the future seemed laid out before me.
    Valentine's Day you brought me a bouquet of snap dragons and two flowers I didn't recognize. One was clusters of small purple pink flowers the other were fluffy looking light pink flowers.
    "What are these?" I asked.
    You smiled and pointed at the light pink flowers, "These are Begonias, I've heard that sometimes they are used for garnish on food." You switched to the clusters, "these are Rhododendron. They are slightly poisonous so don't eat them."

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