My Dear Sammy,
They've been pushing us hard lately, and they do not seem to care about our complaints. Their attitude only lends credibility to the rumors. No one brushes them off as just rumors anymore, and they become more accepted with each passing day. With the higher-ups making such awful decisions that kill so many of our comrades, how can we not? Just as we make headway they rotate us farther away from the front, every time we rotate people die from ignorance. I'm beginning to suspect they are doing so on purpose to hinder the progress we make as much as possible.
Why must we be the ones to die for their pride? Why must we fight their battles while they sit in a tent at a safe distance? When they strut through camp, eyes filled with anger follow them. The anger seems to keep us alive when the anger is gone we are left only with defeat. Opal is the only one who still cares and we do our best to hush her up so the anger is not turned on us. I tell myself I only need to get home safe and that seems to keep me going.
Forever Yours,