Smoke in the Air
"It wasn't so bad before her son died," Ms. Grace adds, "And while her temperament because worse after that, it was only when her health started to decline that she would snap at the smallest thing."
Lord Hurston nods, "I was going to persuade the Madam to retire on this trip, we're in a delicate time and if our company's reputation takes a hit it could ruin everything."
"Did she know you were going to do this?" I ask.
Lord Hurston looks at Mr. Ethan before sighing, "She may have had a hunch but I don't think she knew exactly what I wanted to discuss. I was hoping I could calm down her temper while we were on the train so she didn't make a scene in public."
Mr Ethan's knuckles were white from how hard he was clenching his fists, "Lord Hurston is trying to be polite but when the madam didn't get her way she could be very petty and vengeful."
Ms. Grace gasped, "Mr. Ethan?!"
He glared a her, "I'm only speaking the truth. Don't pretend it didn't happen to you, how many times did she withhold your money because of some small change you made in the household."
Ms. Grace looks at the floor but her face is red. The others look just as emotionally disturbed but it feels shallow. Although that's nothing new for those in high society, but still it nags at me.
"Thank you. You've been most helpful, and I promise, neither of us are likely to talk to the papers."
They relax a little at my words and I move back to the conductor near the door of the car and say, "I would suggest confining them to their cabins but I doubt they would want to be escorted in front of the other passengers."
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