I might have to get a new computer soon. My current one is freaking out a lot, but I don't want a new one yet.....
-Rose B.
Smoke in the Air
She puts the cigarette holder to her lips and takes a draw. Her cheeks sink in as if the muscle doesn't exist, showing the bone structure of her jaw through translucent skin. The cabin goes black as we enter a tunnel. I hear her exhale and can feel the smoke hit my face. "Who else can I be but the one you see every day? I've never seen a mortal so involved with me and still breathing. If I didn't know better I would think you were one of my psychopomps."
My brain doesn't want to accept it but people flash in my head old, young, male, female all wearing her face. How many times had I seen her while working or been around when I was dragged into a murder? My skin crawls as the knowledge sinks in, but I can't bring myself to put a name to her face. There's a flash of light as the train exits the tunnel and pulls me out of my thoughts.
The train shrieks and comes to a halt. She continues as if nothing happened, "Now then, I can help you but I require something in return."
"I don't need your help."
She raises an eyebrow, "Maybe, but the information I can provide will be wholly true and won't be found anywhere else. Of course information provided by Death can't be used in court but at least it will prevent you from hanging an innocent man again." She looks at the door, "You can give me your answer after you see the situation."
There's a knock at the door and I look up to see who is calling, "Yes?"
A boy opens the door, "I'm sorry for the sudden stop, but we've had an incident. I've come to tell you that we'll be stopped here for some time."
"That is unfortunate," Her voice is softer and I look over to see her in sensible clothes with a hat pinned to her head. The cigarette and it's holder is gone, although the smoke remains. "But maybe we can be of assistance. This is Detective Williams."
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