This is a concept I've been working on for 5 years. It's been two poems and now a short story but I'm not completely happy with it. I'll share the poems in this post then start with the story in the next one. You don't have to read the poems to understand the story, and the poems spoil the twists in the story.
-Rose B.
First Concept
Blood is red, Tears are blue
You said you loved me, So why'd you kill me.
Second Concept
Roses are Red
I met you long ago you're smile was a perfect match to your chocolate colored eyes.
You were a fallen angel in my eyes: beautiful and out of reach.
Violets are Blue
Taken in by your beauty I couldn't see the skeletons that follow you.
You hid them well when you brought me bouquets of Oleanders, Begonias and Chrysanthemums.
Daffodils are Yellow
Everyone said we were meant to be and that I was lucky to have you.
You smiled at me sweetly and I wondered why you picked me.
I should have known then that you never loved me.
Gluttony is Pink
I thought we would be everlasting when we sat in the warm sun.
My world was a little brighter with you but now it's dark and rotten.
Pride is Purple
Unable to look away I watch as you show someone else you're precious flower garden.
But she only sees the flowers not the hidden truth that lies beneath.
Wrath is Orange
You still smile at me but not like the charming smile you show her.
When you smile at me it tells of a shared secret with the danger laid bare.
Lilies are Pure
One day she'll know what is hidden away and you won't let her escape.
Then you'll have another to smile at as you show a different girl the flowers.
The End is Black