Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Our Condolences 12

Our Condolences
twelfth letter

23rd day of Suminir, 951

Dearest Angel,

    I can not calm your doubts, but I can tell that those of us waiting and praying at the temples have not forgotten you. Several weeks ago an Elder told me they had seen how dedicated I was to you and they would pray for your return as well. Now every time I go to the temple they tell me they've prayed for you.

    I can at least distract you with tales of home. Albert is slowly coming along in his studies, he was not happy with his teacher in the beginning but he has come around to see her wisdom. I am constantly thankful he has managed to make new friends and shows no issues socially. I wish I could show you how he's grown but I don't want to take the chance that my letter might not get to you. So my descriptions will have to do.

    As I have written before I will gladly take a trip to see Rosanne's husband if it would help calm her heart. Your platoon is already in my prayers but the next time I visit the temple I'll bring an extra offering for Rosanne's well being. As for the others, I can only hope that Opal will cause you fewer problems and be grateful none of you have died.

