Saturday, July 20, 2024

Eye of Worth 7

 Eye of Worth 7

    "I see you escaped your companion." He said

    I smiled slightly, "I see you have been watching. I hope you don't expect me shower you with adulation like her."

    He bowed deeply, "Of course not. It was evident the moment you walked in the door that you did not plan to shower your attention on anybody."

    "Is that why you approached me?"

    he smiled, "You are like a breath of fresh air in this stuffy room."

    "Sounds like you're the one seeking a object for your attention," I said and walked past him.

    "How cruel," he chuckled as he followed me to the bar.

    I perched on a stool and set my purse on the counter so the symbol was face up. I looked at a displayed list of drinks next to my purse but gave up halfway through.

    "Gin and tonic," I said to the bartender.

    He nodded his head and turned slightly to face the raven man next to me.


    The bartender nodded then turned to grab glasses behind him.

    "So what do I call you?" The raven asked.

    "You can call me Iris."

    Our drinks were set down in front of us, but the man waited to speak until the bartender moved off, "I was not expected just a pretty name."

    I laughed, making it light and airy, "That's what everyone says before they learn the rest."

    "The rest?"

    I smiled slightly and turned my drink, "I think I will call you Raven."

    He chuckled softly, "I get it. No more talk of names."

    "Smart. What are you doing in this group?"

    "In the Eye of Worth?" he took a swig of his bourbon, "I thought it would be interesting but so far I only see pretentious people who care for nothing but themselves."

    I looked around the room. Alice had moved somewhere I couldn't see but very few people moved from the group they were talking with. I turned back to Raven, "You don't seem too listless, for someone finding this group lacking in excitement."

    He gave a flat smile, "Aslam is charismatic. That's a good quality for a leader to have, especially for this bunch, but there's something about him that bugs me. I want to know what it is."

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Eye of Worth 6

 Eye of Worth 6

    "They won't ask for our names when we get there and many people use aliases anyway. But they have a specific greeting to recognize members and a symbol that must be worn somewhere on them when they attend parties."

    "I assume you have a way to get past that."

    "The symbol is on my mask and the purse in the glove box is for you."

    I opened the glove box to see a black clutch. On one side was the black fabric had been cut out showing showing the silver underneath. The cutouts formed a feminine eye with a star instead of its iris.

    "It's like your knew what dress I was going to wear," I said as I looked at Alice.

    "I may or may not have hacked into your home system to make sure the purse matched."

    I rolled my eyes, "And what about the greeting?"

    "It's pretty simple actually. The first person says: 'Who shall know true worth.' Then we respond with: 'Only those who pursue true passion.' it may deviate based on the situation but that's basically it."

    "It sounds like it came straight out of a bad movie," I said, "Who came up with it?"

    "The ringleader, who else."

    I frowned but didn't say anything because we had arrived at an unmarked building that had glass on all sides. Alice parked in the underground garage that was almost empty. We put on our masks and walk to an elevator. Alice pressed B1 and we descended to a lower floor. The elevator opened to a dim hallway with barely used carpet, Alice led the way to the only lit room. The room was filled with people, the only place they weren't clustered was the black stage in the middle of the room. It contained a piano and it made me wonder if this room was just a rented space. Food decorated a table in one corner and a bar in another. There were several places to sit but most people were standing and chatting. Everyone was dressed in fine clothing with masks. The lighting was brighter than what was outside but dim enough that the masks shaded faces really well.

    A man, resembling a peacock, walked up to us, "Welcome, welcome!"

    Alice turned on the charm and smiled, "Sorry we're late."

    "Don't worry, after all those who know true worth..."

    "Are only those who pursue true passion," Alice said without hesitation.

    The man beamed at us, "We're just getting started so please feel free to pursue passion."

    If Alice was diving headfirst into her role than I should as well. While Alice continued chatting with peacock man, I moved towards the bar. I poured elegance into my walk and kept my head high. It had been a long time since I used this persona in front of people but it settled over me like a glove. before I reached the bar a man stepped into my path. he was dressed in dark blue and his mask gave the subtle impression of a bird.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Eye of Worth 5

 Eye of Worth 5

    I opened the door to see Alice dressed in a gold one shoulder gown with shear fabric hung off the back of the beaded shoulder. The empire waist was also beaded and she was holding a gold half mask in her hands. The gold matched well with her olive skin tone and gave her regal air.

    "You look like a Greek goddess."

    She smiled, "Thanks."

    She looked me over. The dress I settled on was a black and silver mermaid gown with a halter neckline. There wasn't any fabric to create volume so it draped around my legs. My matching half mask was sitting on the table next to the door.

    "You look like... an evil queen," She said.

    I laughed, "Thank you."

    I grabbed my mask and a shawl and we walked out the door. We hurried to Alice's car, which she's thankfully left running so it was still warm. Alice quickly back out of the driveway and took off down the street.

    "I can't believe you abandoned me to face Bree alone," She said.

    I smiled, "It's your fault for triggering her. Plus you hacked into the house system again you could have just cut the connection."

    She muttered something under her breath but I chose to ignore her until she had cooled down a little.

    "So what is it about this secret society that caused you to investigate it?" I asked.

    She changed lanes, "I found evidence of them doing money laundering but something tells me there's more sinister things going on."

    "And you want to know what it is."


    "So how is this going to work?"

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To do or not to do

 I have some work collecting dust in a folder that is more...mature than what I usually put on this blog, I've been debating if I should put it on another site. The reason for this is Blogger only allows the whole blog to be marked as adult not individual posts. Which is annoying if most of the blog is fine.

These pieces are really only test pieces for me to try writing something I don't usually do. They're more like mental exercises, so they were only meant for me to read. As a consequence they are have a bunch of issues (plots not being completely there, scenes jumping around, barely any descriptions etc.) and would need some work.

hmmm I'll continue to think about it. If i decide post on a separate site I'll try attaching a link somewhere on this thing for anyone who is curious.

-Rose B

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Eye of Worth 4

 Eye of Worth 4

    Bree Raised an eyebrow, "That may be true this time, but that isn't always the case."

    There was silence for a moment, "Sometimes it can't be helped; despite the world we live in, hacking skills won't get me everything."

    I smiled, "Are you going to explain the details now?"

    Alice cleared her throat, "Right, there's a fancy party I want to attend tomorrow and I want you to come with me."

    "What would I find interesting about that."

    "The party is for members of a secret society. Don't worry i have a way to get us in, all you need to do is what you normally do."

    "I was right, you do want to use her talents!" Bree said.

    I sighed, "When are we meeting and what am I supposed to wear?"

    "Something elegant and a mask to hide at least a part of your face, I'll pick you up about one o'clock."

    "That sounds like it will be fun. Why am I not invited?" Bree asked.

    I rolled my eyes, "Bree, you're sick."

    "And you're not good at pretending to be something you're not," Alice chimed in.

    Bree glared at the screen but before she could say anything the timer on the oven went off. Bree pulled out the brownies and almost slammed them on the counter. She poured the batter in the mixing bowl into another pan and tossed that into the oven.

    "She's angry isn't she," Alice whispered.

    I slowly backed out of the kitchen, "I have things to do. Bree don't chew out Alice too bad."

    "Wait!" Alice cried.

    Bree turned her attention back to Alice and I fled downstairs. 

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Eye of Worth 3

 Eye of Worth 3

    "I bet he's with a new girl. Word is he's a player and he's been getting tired of Lily."

    "No! You don't think..."

    The other girl nodded her head as I turned a corner and didn't hear her reply. I entered the classroom to see the teacher having problems with his computer connecting to the school system. This was the third time this semester. I hoped that I didn't just waste a trip. The teacher couldn't figure it out but luckily a student a majoring in something to do with computers showed up to class and got everything working again just in time for a short lecture before the class ended.

    The drive back home was uneventful. The snow had stopped and Alice didn't contact me. Bree's car was still in the driveway when I got home. i pulled off my boots as I walked in the door and saw the screen in the entryway light up welcoming me back.

    "Bree?" I called out.

    "In the kitchen!"

    I placed my boots on the shoe rack and followed her voice. Bree was standing with a mixing bowl in one hand and a wire whisk in the other. Her forever curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail but there were a couple strands near her face that had fallen out. There was a smudge of flour on her nose and dishes meant for food preparation in the sink.

    "If you're feeling well enough to bake shouldn't you be at work," I said tapping the oven to turn on the light as I looked inside.

    "Those will be brownies when they're done," she replied, "you know that baking is easier for me then working."

    I stood up, "You work at a bakery."

    She shrugged, "Anything interesting happen today?"

    "Alice wants my help with something, but she didn't give any details."

    Bree laughed, "If she continues asking for your help I'm going to think that the skills she's so proud of don't exist."

    The screen in the kitchen lit up and Alice's voice poured out, "Hey! All I want is for Tay to come with me because I thought she might be interested."

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Eye of Worth 2

 Eye of Worth 2

    There was a moment of silence then the light turned green and she started laughing, "I feel sorry for anyone who tries to hide something from you. I'm glad you aren't a law abiding citizen and please don't get a career in law enforcement."

    I raised an eyebrow, "You want me to be a politician instead of a detective."

    "Yes," she answered.

    I didn't say anything but a smile spread across my face.

    "Wait, no. Don't be a politician or work for any of them. You being in politics gives me the chills."

    I entered the freeway, "I would love to continue this but we're getting off topic."

    "You just want to mess with me," Alice took a deep breath, "but fine this is indeed a business call. I need to borrow you."

    "I figured as much. Are you giving me the details now or later?"

    "You won't really need to do anything until tomorrow. So just focus on your class."

    The car went silent as Alice cut the connection. I rolled my eyes and turned on some music. It began to snow lightly and it stayed that way the rest of the drive. The parking lot had more cars in it than I expected making it harder than usual to find a spot. After parking I look around at the other cars and decide the school must be hosting an event. I grabbed my backpack out of the passenger seat before stepping out of the car. I hit another button on the key fob; the engine stopped and the car locked. I walked towards the building, in the parking spaces before the doors there was a car that was covered in a layer of snow. There were tire tracks leading to the parking spot so it was obvious that it had been there since the last snow fall.

    I opened the door to the building and stepped inside. There were two girls at the reception desk that usually remained unmanned. They were so focused on their conversation that they didn't see me walk past them.

    "I've never been so worried; Lily wouldn't just up and vanish like this," said the girl with a tight bun on her head.

    The other nervously tapped her false nails on the counter, "At least they're treating her as missing now. I've heard they can't get a hold of that boyfriend of hers."

    "The one that took her to all those parties she loved? You don't think he could be missing too."



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