Purple Moon
Half Moon 34
Kat spreads out the map, that she and Cade used before, on the table in her room. And points at two big clusters of dots "These are the two cities we checked out."
Adalia looks at the land south of the first cluster. "That's a lot of area to cover."
Cade comes over with a bunch of yellow dots and places them over the map. "These are places that hunters frequently visit and settlements."
Kat watches him put the dots down, "Grab a pen I want to mark all the trade routes."
He pulls out a pen, and she creates lines moving around the map connecting dots and clusters, "There, all routes that are normally used by people, hunters included, are marked."
Cade studies the map, "Well, she can't be anywhere near the City, there's too many people coming in and out."
"The City is north of the first place we visited, and if the old documents are to be believed, she wouldn't be there anyway," Adalia replies.
"Either way, there aren't many places where she could be hiding," Kat adds.
Cade nods, "The farther away from the City you go, the more places there would be to hide"
"But she plans to take down the City she wouldn't be in the East. It takes to long to get here from there," Kat points out.
"So she's not in the South East, but that still gives us a lot of places to look," Adalia sighs.
"And we don't have time to check them all," Cade says.
Kat stares at the map, "For the moment, let's focus our search to the south of the first town."
Cade nods, "But let's start looking in the morning. It's late, and I'm tired."
Kat rolls her eyes and shows them out the door. After taking a couple meds, she looks out the huge window to the city below. People moved around ignoring each other. Beyond the people was a wall that surrounded the City. Kat couldn't see anything beyond the wall except the dark night sky, but she knew from experience the land was desolate.
Kat sighs and closes her eyes. Her mind ventures back to her childhood, and she can hear her mom's sweet voice singing the lullaby that often sent her off to dreamland when she couldn't sleep. As the voice faded and silence once again returns, Kat opens her mouth and sings,
"In the No Moon,
Blood has its greatest chance.
Then comes the Crescent Moon,
To begin the cycle.
The Half Moon is next,
And what is lost starts to return.
Last of all is the Full Moon,
Showing the scales have changed."
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